I am Divyanshu


My Work 🧑‍💻


Book Collection (Client Project)

This is a desktop application where different people group together to form a library. Through this application, users can request different books, and other users can gift those books to them and vice versa. Along with this user can also write their reviews on respective books and see the collection of other user

Stack -

Python , Tkinter , Mongodb , bcrypt



Expense Details (Client Project)

Expense Details application, where user can add expense details and see the list of expenses.User Filter the expense according to date, expense type and category. User can also update and delete the expense details.

Stack -

Nextjs ,tailwind , Mongodb , bcryptjs ,typescript


social media

Social Media

A social media application where users can post their thoughts, comments and share them with their friends and family.I make this application for learning purposes.For Backend i use node,express, mongo,jwt and for frontend i used Reactjs.

Stack -

Reactjs, nodejs , express , mongodb, multer, jwt , bcryptjs, socketio

Get This

youtube downloader

Youtube Downloader

This is the most advance YouTube video and audio downloader. In this app you can download playlist with an series order and you can also specify how many video download from a playlist Using Advance Mode And also add tag for each video. This app have many functionality. So enjoy them and keep sharing.

Stack -

Python , Tkinter , Mongodb , Pytube

Get This

E-commerce shop

E-commerce (Internship Project)

E-commerce is a multi-vendor website where seller can sell their products online and user can buy those products. This is an Internship Project. I work on Backend part of this application using nodejs, express , Mongodb, bcryptjs and some part of frontend using Reactjs.

Stack -

Reactjs, nodejs , express , mongodb, multer, jwt , socketio
